Cross screen experiences - html5 digital display ads
Living World Parallax Site
Living World is a translation agency that has no trouble translating it’s message thanks to this innovative HTML5 cross screen web re-launch. The challenge was to build a site that would captivate users and create an interactive customer journey without the use of images, videos and other typical rich media features. The solution was to create a parallax site that isn’t bloated with large Flash files, but instead uses HTML5 boilerplate scripting to minimize CSS. It worked.
Ba Ba Dum Responsive Site
HTML5 cross screen ads could learn a lot from this innovative “play and learn” responsive website created using HTML5. Created for Ba Ba Dum, this site boast five different games that can be played in nine different languages. It is designed with powerful graphics and a well-balance color scheme and the user interface is extremely easy to use from screen to screen. The sites animation and gaming options are very engaging and fun, too.