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Dynamic Rich Media

Rich media ads include things like video, audio, and similar elements. Of course, regular online ads may employ these elements as well, but there’s an important difference. Rich media uses these elements to create an interactive experience. While regular ads are often intrusive and annoying interruptions, rich media is designed to grab the user’s attention and make them interested enough to engage with the ad.

For instance, a standard video ad might appear over what you’re doing and start playing, not letting you return to the page you were on until the ad is done, or at least until you click away. A rich media video ad, on the other hand, will

start playing in the corner of the screen, or off to the side, with no sound. However, it’s designed to catch your eye. That way, if your interest is piqued, you can choose to unmute the video and hear what it has to say.

The difference is clear. In the first scenario, your content is being held hostage by a message you didn’t ask for. It’s likely to turn you off from that brand in the future. With rich media production, however, you’re engaging with the brand and asking to learn more.


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